コンビニを始め,スーパー,ショッピングモール,ファーストフード,飲料自販機,タクシー,電器量販店,飲食店など,色々なお店で使えます。 ご利用に当たっては,下記対応機種及び,下記クレジットカード会社との契約が必要です。
対応機種: iDの公式HPの対応機種をご確認ください。
※本アプリは、ドコモ以外から販売されている機種(ソフトバンク端末、SIMロックフリー端末)およびGoogle Pixel向けのアプリです。
本アプリはドコモが提供するものですが、iD対応のクレジットサービス、カード情報画面及びカード情報は、お客様がご契約の各カード発行会社が提供するものです。 (各サービスの内容はカード発行会社毎に異なる場合があります)。
Electronic money that can be easily paid with a single Osaifu-Keitai.
Electronic money that can be easily paid by holding it quickly.
It can be used in various stores such as convenience stores, supermarkets, shopping malls, fast food, beverage vending machines, taxis, electronics retailers and restaurants. To use this service, a contract with the following compatible models and credit card companies is required.
The customer is responsible for the packet charges for downloading and updating apps and setting card information.
Compatible models: Check the iD official HP compatible models.
* This application is for models sold by other than DOCOMO (Softbank terminal, SIM lock-free terminal) and Google Pixel.
* For models sold by DOCOMO, download the app from the link below.
Supported credit card companies:
NTT DoCoMo (d card), Sumitomo Mitsui Card, AEON Credit Service, Credit Saison, UCY Card, Orient Corporation, Life Card, Cedyna, Pocket Card, VJA Group
* To register d card (iD) // d payment (iD) with this application, the Wi-Fi setting of your model must be turned off and communication must be connected to sp mode.
This application is provided by DOCOMO, but iD-compatible credit services, card information screens and card information are provided by each card issuer with which you have a contract. (The content of each service may differ depending on the card issuer).
You cannot reply to your comments. For inquiries that require a response, please contact your card company.